Wednesday, August 20, 2014

Geometry "I Can" Sentences

  • I can identify and name and spell the names for polygons from triangles through to dodecagons.
  • I can describe their traits by using math terms that describe their sides and angles. Game: Polygon Capture helps with these skills...
  • I can classify two-dimensional shapes into categories (including those with/without parallel line segments and perpendicular line segments).
  • I can classify shapes by their angles. 
  • I can name and identify right, straight, obtuse, and acute angles.
  • I can identify a right triangle and equilateral triangle.
  • I can identify and draw an example of point, line, line segment, ray, angle, parallel lines, and perpendicular lines.
  • I can follow a set of instruction and draw a design of lines, line segments, points, rays and the like.

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