Sunday, May 17, 2015

May 18 News

May18 News Update

Upcoming Dates:
*Please check school website and Principal's Notes there is lots going on...

May 29: FAC Screening for PSAs for Parents of Grade 4 Students, time provided asap
June 1 or June 2: 4B Swim Day 1:30 to 3:30 in AISC pool
June 3: 4B Final Party in 4B begins at 11:15 AM
June 6: Final Day of School (early release)

Blurbs for Each Unit of Study

We are using literacy time for our PSA work for the water unit, but this work includes nonfiction reading about water.

At home, students should continue to read and they will write two to three literacy letters before the end of the year as a means of solidifying their DEV, APP, or EXT codes for their reading strategies: infer, theme to theme, and point of view. We will practice letter writing in class, and they will letter write for homework.

We are also ending the year with a study of root words. I am convinced that my knowledge of Greek and Latin root words is what got me through all of the standardized tests that I took, such as the SAT and GRE. Why not start learning about the building blocks of words in English? Root words are part of the Common Core as well.  

Social Studies:
Please join us on May 29th, a Friday, for the Second Annual Grade 4 PSA Screening! I will send out the time asap. The location is the FAC Theater.

Our "Water as a Human Right" unit is in full swing. It is a wonderful capstone project, and it requires great maturity and collaboration. Currently, we are drafting our storyboards so that our Public Service Announcements flow well. 

We are taking a final assessment for a battery of grade 4 skills, which will go home with your son or daughter. This paperwork is a great tool to use to plan summer IXL topics. IXL is not shut down over the summer. Any skill that is not coded APP on your child's final report card should be practiced over the summer. Students can use above grade level games if they have all APP and EXT on their final report.  

Ms. T