Friday, January 31, 2014

Due Day for Literacy Letters

  • Literacy letters will now be written in a Google Doc for the rest of this year. Use one (1) Google Doc titled “Literacy Letters.” Each reading strategies that is used in the letter with a detail from the book is worth 1 sticker.  
Students 1-5 share on Tuesdays.
Students 6-10 share on Wednesdays.
Students 11--15 share on Thursdays.
Students 16-18 share on Fridays. 
***Each time you finish a letter, you must share it with me and Ms. D.

Monday, January 27, 2014

Explain this Diagram


Explain This Diagram

From what we have learned about solar energy, connect what you have learned with what you see in this diagram. Explain based on those connections that you are making. Then, ask yourself what other scientific questions and hypothesis might we come up with in order to further our learning?

Monday, January 20, 2014