Saturday, February 11, 2012

Welcome to Ms. T's Grade 4B

August 9, 2013

Dear 4B Families, 

I am thrilled to be in Chennai for my second year working as the Grade 4B teacher alongside three other grade four homeroom teachers (Mrs. Pam, Mrs. Nanda, and Ms. Macdonald); two brilliant teaching assistants; and, our EAL specialist co-teachers Ms. Deanna and Ms. Aarthie. Ms. Deanna and I are working side by side to create an environment of "courage, confidence, creativity, and compassion". Communication-another "C"- is vital to your son/daughter's growth this year. The following are some tips for communicating with us so that you feel in the know...

1. Email me at or Ms. Deanna at
2. Visit this website for valuable information, such as links for your son/daughter to practice skills
3. Read our newsletters and homework posts, which will be emailed to you using the "Parent Contact" email that we have created
4. Visit Ms. T in person on either Monday or Tuesday between 3:40 and 4:00. As a courtesy to us and because our schedules are packed, please email us in the morning if you need to come by that day. I am in room 3140.
5. Visit Ms. Deanna on either Tuesday or Wednesday between 3:40 and 4:00 in the "Collab Room", which is two doors to the left of 3140. 
6. Visit Ms. T and Ms. Deanna together on a Tuesday between 3:40 and 4:00. 

Welcome to 4B,

Ms. T and Ms. Deanna