Sunday, May 17, 2015

May 18 News

May18 News Update

Upcoming Dates:
*Please check school website and Principal's Notes there is lots going on...

May 29: FAC Screening for PSAs for Parents of Grade 4 Students, time provided asap
June 1 or June 2: 4B Swim Day 1:30 to 3:30 in AISC pool
June 3: 4B Final Party in 4B begins at 11:15 AM
June 6: Final Day of School (early release)

Blurbs for Each Unit of Study

We are using literacy time for our PSA work for the water unit, but this work includes nonfiction reading about water.

At home, students should continue to read and they will write two to three literacy letters before the end of the year as a means of solidifying their DEV, APP, or EXT codes for their reading strategies: infer, theme to theme, and point of view. We will practice letter writing in class, and they will letter write for homework.

We are also ending the year with a study of root words. I am convinced that my knowledge of Greek and Latin root words is what got me through all of the standardized tests that I took, such as the SAT and GRE. Why not start learning about the building blocks of words in English? Root words are part of the Common Core as well.  

Social Studies:
Please join us on May 29th, a Friday, for the Second Annual Grade 4 PSA Screening! I will send out the time asap. The location is the FAC Theater.

Our "Water as a Human Right" unit is in full swing. It is a wonderful capstone project, and it requires great maturity and collaboration. Currently, we are drafting our storyboards so that our Public Service Announcements flow well. 

We are taking a final assessment for a battery of grade 4 skills, which will go home with your son or daughter. This paperwork is a great tool to use to plan summer IXL topics. IXL is not shut down over the summer. Any skill that is not coded APP on your child's final report card should be practiced over the summer. Students can use above grade level games if they have all APP and EXT on their final report.  

Ms. T

Friday, April 24, 2015

Baking with 4B

  • This activity will allow students to read a recipe, measure, and enjoy a healthy treat! 

Students will work in teams of 3 with an adult, so I need 3 parents to volunteers. Ms. D, Ms. Valar, and Ms. T will take a team. Adults are only there to supervise so that students can do all of the measuring and mixing. 

Each team of students will read the directions below, and then they will decide who will do what. 

First, put your apron on and go wash your hands with soap and water.

Next, gather these materials. 
2 bowls
1 whisk
1 cup measuring cup
1/2 cup measuring cup
1/3 cup measuring cup
1 Tablespoon measuring spoon
1/4 teaspoon measuring spoon
11 paper cups and 1 muffin tray
2 regular sized spoons 

Now you will use one bowl for the dry ingredients and one bowl for the wet ingredients.  Use the LARGER bowl for the WET ingredients. 

Measure out all of these dry ingredients carefully into your bowl. Then, gently whisk them together without splashing out your flour... 
  • 1 cup organic whole wheat flour
  • 3/4 teaspoon baking soda
  • 3/4 teaspoon ground cinnamon
  • 1/4 teaspoon salt

Now you will mix up your wet ingredients. 
*EGG: parent must crack the egg for the group. 
  • 1/3 cup brown sugar
  • 3 tablespoons canola oil or ground nut
  • 1 egg
  • 1/2 cup unsweetened applesauce or mashed banana
  • 1 cup shredded carrots
  • 1 cup of raisins, cranberries, chocolate chips ?

Last, mix the dry ingredients into the wet in batches. That means a little at a time. 

Now use two spoons to carefully put the batter into the paper cups. I will demonstrate this. You don't want batter all over the sides of the paper cups. 

Our Taj kitchen will bake the muffins for us... 

Thursday, April 23, 2015

News for April 24th

April 24th News Update

Upcoming Dates:
April 29 and 30: Student SLCs
May 1: Holiday
May 7: Fractions Test

Blurbs for Each Unit of Study

We have tied Social Studies and Writing to write a research based opinion essay about the Indus Valley Civilization. Before the year is out, we will write an on demand opinion essay in class. This is our final writing on demand for this year. Students will determine the thesis statements. Examples are as follows: 

AISC is the best school for these three reasons...
Cats are the best pet for these three reasons...

For reading, we are continuing to read in class as often as possible. Students have set new reading goals for the end of the year and they will share them with you during SLCs. 

Social Studies:
As our essays wrap up, we are about to begin a fun and playful iPad project using the Puppet Pals app. Students will time travel into the Indus Valley. Videos will be posted to student You Tube Channels. 

Our Water as a Human Right unit begins after SLC week.

We will review fractions topics and take our next assessment on May 7th. Then, we will spend a couple of weeks on measurement. We need to spend more time on area and perimeter and review angles work from the beginning of the year before we take this assessment. 

We will also have a baking day before the end of the year. If you'd like to help us, please email me at 

Ms. T

Saturday, April 18, 2015

Point of View Reading Strategy

Thinking about two contrasting or competing points of view is a sophisticated skill for a grade four student. Here in this sample StopNJot, the student is thinking about the character Nettie who is at that moment thinking about the point of view of a slave. This student clearly understands that the truth is based on one's point of view.

Wednesday, March 25, 2015

News for Friday the 27th of March

Dear 4B Families,

I know you are all busy packing, but here is a brief letter about post Spring Break programming.

For math, kids will work on reviewing skills for fractions and decimals; and, they will take a battery of summative assessments after Spring Break. They will share these with you during their SLC in April. The SLC will be an opportune time to set final math goals for the year.

For literacy, after Spring Break we will take our old stop n jots and put them next to our recent stop n jots and literacy letters and other types of response writing, and write some self-reflective blog posts. These will be shared during the SLC in April. Students will then know exactly what to practice to reach "Applying" on their reading skills for the Standards Based Report Cards.

For writing, we will push the essay through our final weeks of school with an Indus Valley essay and a water conservation essay: both linked with social studies.

For social studies, we will continue our Indus Valley studies and write a 5 paragraph essay that compares modern India with Ancient Indus life. Students will also use the iPad to make another movie, but this time it will focus on Indus Valley Life: this is for Bringing History to Life.

Our Water Unit is the capstone unit for this year and it is very powerful. Our final project is a Public Service Announcement and parents will be invited to the FAC to view the entire grade 4's PSAs. It's fun!!!

Enjoy your break!
Ms. T and Ms. Deanna